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Category Archives: Portraiture

Bo Diddley UnMasked!

Bo Diddley UnMasked!

Summary: A nice drawing, two big mistakes, and a failed in-class demonstration. It’s a miracle that this painting came to a satisfying conclusion! This illustration started as a simple sketch for an in-class demonstration. I’ve been hammering away at the Chris Payne illustration process for some time now. Mixing in elements from here and thereContinue Reading

Portraiture in Watercolor

Portraiture in Watercolor

I am super happy to post this painting. I was honored to complete this portrait for some friends of mine who commissioned the piece after seeing the Paintings for Presents that I posted. The concept to use their daughter as Max from “Where the Wild Things Roam,” was serendipity at it’s best. I’d been thinkingContinue Reading

Paintings for Presents

Paintings for Presents

Greetings, This year I am offering to do paintings for the holiday season. It will be a totally unique gift, created specifically for you or your loved ones. The above image is a flyer that contains more details, click on the image to see a larger version. Also, feel free to download it, or toContinue Reading

Portraiture in Watercolor

Portraiture in Watercolor

This most recent piece was actually set in motion about 6 months ago, in an auction to raise money for a local school, I donated a portraiture drawing session. What originally started off being a 1 hour drawing session has morphed into this watercolor painting. The girl is about 5 years old and her parentsContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!