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Tag Archives: Fun

Drawing to a Beautiful Conclusion

Summary: In the previous post I talked about the beginnings and the initial thoughts and concepts behind this illustration. We left off in that post at the first round of thumbnails. This post will follow up by talking about revisions, rough comps, and the resulting phases of this process, ending with the exciting final product!Continue Reading

Waltzing Into The New Year

Summary: I don’t believe that anyone get’s anywhere without help from the people around them. It is through this network of mutual support that beautiful things can emerge. This is the tale of just such a project. Continue Reading

The Shadow Over My Drawingboard

The Shadow Over My Drawingboard

I cannot claim to remember the dreams that plagued my feverish mind, I can only say that I had the vaguest memories of men with bulbous eyes that seemed to smell of fish. When I did finally awake, I did so with a bolt hysterical laughter.Continue Reading

Monster Mondays

I want to start sharing some of my sketches and drawings. Often my day will start with about an hour of sketching or drawing to loosen up, have fun, and often times an excuse to draw a monster. Today’s Monday Monster is our pal Cthulhu.Continue Reading

The Un-taping of Bo Diddley