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Tag Archives: Fun

The Boyler Kat

The Boyler Kat

Summary: Character sketches for a short story that I’m writing and illustrating based on my experiences at Pratt University.  While I was in NYC this past November with my Hartford MFA comrades, we got a unique tour of Pratt University. Betsy and Ted Lewin walked us around the campus and showed us the sights. OneContinue Reading

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Even in the midst of wrapping up some client work, I am finding some time to continue to develop a story for my MFA thesis. This particular story actually has its roots in a project that I was developing back into thousand and 12! It’s amazing to me to think about the arc of theContinue Reading

A Cool Sage About To Loose His Head

A Cool Sage About To Loose His Head

My imaginary friend, “So, Brian what’d you do today?” My imaginary answer, “Oh, nothin’ much, drew a sage about to get his head cut off.” These are the things that I am thinking about when I am thinking about these things.

Freaky Farm Fun

Freaky Farm Fun

This painting was started for an illustrator intensive. I can’t wait to get back to it. it is just starting to come together.

Bo Diddley UnMasked!