A Brief Flash of Wonder

From blank page to printed book, it's like Magic!

This is just a brief news update. This week I received my first published book cover! I can honestly say that I have held that book in my hand and looked at it from a whole bunch of different directions, and each time I get a little flash of wonder about the whole thing.

This piece was created earlier this year. Since then, I feel like my work has grown, but it is pretty wonderful to have something go all the way to print!

Here’s a direct link to the portfolio page for this image {here.}
If you’d like to see some of the back story on this piece, you can read up on these earlier blog posts:
Merry Christmas; Now Get To Work/

Book Cover Pike

11 Responses to A Brief Flash of Wonder

  1. Firstly let me congratulate you, as this your first =).
    Very good job.
    And all the very best for the future.

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