“Eat Your Hero’s Hands.” Zelda Devon of Teetering Bulb, once suggested this to me as a way of learning, to see what has been successful in the illustration works that I enjoy and as a way to grow my own work. It’s good advice, and it’s something that has been bouncing around in the back of mind for quite some time.
So, perhaps when I saw this post, Another Progression, by Shelia Rayyan about her husband, Omar’s work, a little light bulb when on in my attic.
I became fascinated with the way that Omar created this piece and the resulting opalescent quality of his colors, so, I decided to try it on the a smaller scale. In the Omar’s images I saw that he was using a yellow to draw the forms and then working back ontop of that. I’d tried this a while back with some watercolor figure drawings that I was doing. At that time I was going back in with large areas of washes, however this time I found myself drawing with the brush a lot more than I have in the past which was a pleasant change. I do believe some learning happened when I wasn’t looking too.
In other news, I am starting to put together a regular ebulletin; The Studio Bowes Art Gazette. You can use the form at the right or jump over to the newsletter page to sign up and you’ll receive regular reviews of my goings on and blog posts as well as exclusive giveaways. This is a new venture for me, and will be a nice way to keep in touch. I hope you’ll consider signing up, there just might be some free illustrated goodness in it for you… just sayin’!
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