The Sherlock Holmes Project

The Sherlock Holmes Project

Summary: The beginning of a series of posts about my Sherlock Holmes thesis project showing preliminary sketches. 

Greetings Dear Intrepid Reader,

I’m going to try something a little different here than I’ve done in the past, and that is to start chronicling my process. It’s messy, but I’m hoping that you will enjoy watching this project develop.

You may not know, but I’m working towards my MFA right now. I’m going through the Hartford Art School (yes, in Connecticut!) I’ve described the program before, it’s not “online,” but rather we meet about every four months and then do our work in our studios. Now is crunch time. Basically I have until March to get my thesis paintings done. Cue freakout.

I’ve done one thesis project already, The Boyler Kat. I didn’t post much up about that whole process, and still need to wrangle a few last details. After that’s all done, I will share that here as well.

The plan is for me to post sketches, and process pics here to the blog. Hopefully that will keep me motivated to post more and more work, but also to help develop a little “buzz.” I do want this project to grow into the fullest expression that I can create for it. My dream is to have this picked up by a major publisher! I would absolutely love to do a series of books using this world and characters.

Well, there will be more time for rambling, but for now… here’s some sketches!

Sketch from my sketchbook.
Sherlock full figure sketch.
Watson full figure sketch.
Original composition. I was dis-satisfied with the background. It doesn’t feel like the their world.
Jean Clay full figure sketch.
Final composition. This feels more like the right place!
A closeup of Jean Clay. My but he’s a “shrewd” fellow.
A closeup of Dr. Watson. I like the bamboo handled umbrella.

Thank you for visiting!

As ever, I respond well to enthusiasm. Feel free to leave a comment, share with friends, and connect via the Insta-tweet-a-books.

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