Recent Blog Posts

The Boyler Kat

The Boyler Kat

Summary: Character sketches for a short story that I’m writing and illustrating based on my experiences at Pratt University.  While I was in NYC this past November with my Hartford MFA comrades, we got a unique tour of Pratt University. Betsy and Ted Lewin walked us around the campus and showed us the sights. OneContinue Reading

Kirby, the Sneak

Kirby, the Sneak

A first pass at a concept for an upcoming project that I’m starting.

Comic Book Workshop | Feb. 7&8

Comic Book Workshop | Feb. 7&8

Summary: Up coming comic book workshop in Santa Cruz I’m really excited to start the year off with a workshop at the Santa Cruz Art League! The workshop is called Micro-Comics, Maximum Fun! and you can sign up through the website. (scroll down to the workshop title and register from there!) Here is the quick pitchContinue Reading

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Even in the midst of wrapping up some client work, I am finding some time to continue to develop a story for my MFA thesis. This particular story actually has its roots in a project that I was developing back into thousand and 12! It’s amazing to me to think about the arc of theContinue Reading

Arabian Nights Out-takes

Arabian Nights Out-takes

Here are a few more sketches that I’m preparing for the “Fisherman and the Demon” story. I wanted to catch some “out-take” moments for the characters, and experiment with loosening up my inking work.Continue Reading



I’ve been penciling in some smaller moments for the Arabian Nights project I’ve been working on. This guy has just tasted some medicine…

My Etsy Store is Open!

My Etsy Store is Open!

Greetings One and All, I’ve decided to take the plunge and open up an Etsy Store! Exciting right? What the heck go there now! Use this coupon code: GRANDOPENING14 and get 15% off your purchase! At the time of this blog post I have individual hand painted letterpress cards for sale at $5.65, and you can get all threeContinue Reading

The Un-taping of Bo Diddley