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Category Archives: Book Covers

Book Cover: Pike

Book Cover: Pike

This is the second of the two book covers that I was asked to do for PM Press. Amazingly this piece was a great sounding board for the other piece The Chieu Hoi Saloon. Both pieces were a lot of fun to work on, and they provided a great point and counterpoint to work between.Continue Reading

Book Cover: The Chieu Hoi Saloon

Book Cover: The Chieu Hoi Saloon

January has been a very good month, 2 book covers ~ DONE! The past few weeks have been quite eventful. there was the Holidays, followed by New Year’s eve, sprinkle in t he social events, and you’ve got a busy month. Some where in all that, I made time to paint 2 cover paintings forContinue Reading

Merry Christmas… now get to work!

Merry Christmas… now get to work!

Hey all, so Dame fortune and Santa have smiled upon me and delivered me two book covers to paint. I am very happy to be ushering in 2010 with some illustration work. Here’s both the brief’s that I’ve received thus far, hopefully the manuscripts will be emailed to me soon so I can parse outContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!