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Category Archives: Process

Paintings for Presents

Paintings for Presents

Greetings, This year I am offering to do paintings for the holiday season. It will be a totally unique gift, created specifically for you or your loved ones. The above image is a flyer that contains more details, click on the image to see a larger version. Also, feel free to download it, or toContinue Reading

The Return of Figure Drawing

The Return of Figure Drawing

I am so happy to say that the figure drawing sessions at CCA/ Illustration have resumed. One can never over value the power of drawing from life. In this particular instance I made three 20 minute drawings, submitted here for your perusal. The following image was cobbled together in photoshop, just to give a senseContinue Reading

Dorothy, as she is

Dorothy, as she is

Well, the painting has been coming along, not quite fast enough for my liking, but it is still in progress. I wanted to just post up some images to show where she’s at before heading off for some much needed vacation {I am wound tighter than a Tin Man’s ticker} Watch for the thrilling conclusionContinue Reading

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

While waiting in a Doctor’s office, some people read magazines while others knit. This comic page was waiting for me while I waited. It’s a self directed comic, I was surprise to watch it emerge from my sketchbook. I didn’t know it was in there, but here it is. Comics are a great way toContinue Reading

Sketchbook Moonwalk

Sketchbook Moonwalk

I wanted to just post up a page from my sketchbook. Recently I’ve been coming back to drawing and painting just for the fun of it. I am still working on the Wizard of Oz piece which has a more serious side to it. For reasons of my own sanity I’ve come back to drawingContinue Reading

Comic Book Finals

Comic Book Finals

Ok, fun only begins to describe this project. Originally I was contacted by a really great company, Shinteki, who do games and puzzles for corporations as well as private events. Defiantly check out their website, it’s amazing! So their latest challenge involved creating several faux comic book covers, that’s where I come in. The puzzleContinue Reading

Comic Book Gold

Comic Book Gold

This newest project is turning out to be quite a lot of fun. Recently I was approached by a company (who’s name will be revealed at a later post) to do some faux comic book covers. They had a series of seven specific characters in mind from the start and have given me a roughContinue Reading

Final Figure Drawing Friday

Final Figure Drawing Friday

Well, all good things must come to an end, and what an end it was. My post is two weeks after the fact, but the final drawing session was another one that amazed me. For what ever reason, there are some days when we feel like we couldn’t write our name well, and then there’sContinue Reading

Troll, Digital Corrections

Troll, Digital Corrections

Well, here’s the final, final, final… finally. This one has been cropped to the final size and scanned in, rather than the snapshot from before. In an endeavor to keep on growing I’ve also taken this into Photoshop for some minor adjustments. Can you spot them before you read on? After living with the paintingContinue Reading

The Un-taping of Bo Diddley