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Tag Archives: Editorial Illustration

Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride

Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride

Powered by xenophobia, religiosity, and the interests of the 1%, Trump drives the GOP jalopy hard to the right. Swilling black gold, drunk on power, he salaciously leers at Lady Liberty, and she is having none of that! He remains unaware that the sword of Justice is swiftly catching up. #Resist.Continue Reading

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Victor Grey Development Sketches

Even in the midst of wrapping up some client work, I am finding some time to continue to develop a story for my MFA thesis. This particular story actually has its roots in a project that I was developing back into thousand and 12! It’s amazing to me to think about the arc of theContinue Reading

The Shadow Over My Drawingboard

The Shadow Over My Drawingboard

I cannot claim to remember the dreams that plagued my feverish mind, I can only say that I had the vaguest memories of men with bulbous eyes that seemed to smell of fish. When I did finally awake, I did so with a bolt hysterical laughter.Continue Reading

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!