The Story of the Fisherman Final Art Gallery

The Story of the Fisherman Final Art Gallery

This is a gallery of all the final art work that was used for the book The Story of the Fisherman. Each of these images were made into polymer plates and letterpress print for the final book. After being printed they were all painted in watercolor in one of two ways, either directly by hand or using a french technique called pochoir.

You can click on the first image, which is the title page, and then click through the images via the pop up window.

This is an amazing project, and I’d encourage you to see the final book and some of colored images and visit Foolscap Press

I’ve made a video that gives you some sense of how these images were inked. It’s a time-lapse and lasts about 5:45. Enjoy!

(Here is the Youtube link, just in case the pop-up isn’t working for you.)


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