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Tag Archives: Ink

The Boyler Kat

The Boyler Kat

Summary: Character sketches for a short story that I’m writing and illustrating based on my experiences at Pratt University.  While I was in NYC this past November with my Hartford MFA comrades, we got a unique tour of Pratt University. Betsy and Ted Lewin walked us around the campus and showed us the sights. OneContinue Reading

Inking on Vellum

Inking on Vellum

A small scale experiment of inking on vellum goes quite well. I still need to work on solid black area to see if the paper will buckle, but so far, so good!

The Orange Sketchbook

Summary: A brief post showing some sketches from an older sketchbook. Done in preparation for an upcoming Sketchbook section of the website. This post is an experiment of sorts. The images below are from a sketchbook of mine was create a while ago. I am planning on starting a section of the website that willContinue Reading

Steampunk: Made The Old Fashioned Way

Steampunk: Made The Old Fashioned Way

Pen and ink illustration for Steampunk Magazine. { click on the image for a closer look } Getting back to my old love, Drawing, I set to making the final for this piece in pen and ink. I may have discovered something in the process that is unexpected, and it has to do with time.Continue Reading

Goggles Comic: Cover Up

Goggles Comic: Cover Up

Well, here is my work in progress. I was working ahead with the cover image when a conversation with the author provided me with some crucial character info that I missed in my reading of the story… baddaboom… big baddaboom. It turns out that the Goggles themselves need to be more chaotic, and wild. IContinue Reading

Art Auction!

Art Auction!

Hey everybody, I am so excited to announce that Shinteki is holding an art auction of the posters that I did for a recent game puzzle of theirs. Evidently there was a positive response at the games, and Shinteki have generously decided to hold an auction for the game pieces! The auction goes through toContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!