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Tag Archives: Graphic Design

The Devil Gets His Brew

The Devil Gets His Brew

Summary: A brief discussion of diabolical draftsmanship and details discovered during the creation of this devilish illustration.  Ok, truth time. I listen to the Grateful Dead… a lot. I know a lot of you might be stunned, but I feel like I just need to come clean on this one. Anyway… this project starts with the Grateful Dead song, “FriendContinue Reading

Waltzing Into The New Year

Summary: I don’t believe that anyone get’s anywhere without help from the people around them. It is through this network of mutual support that beautiful things can emerge. This is the tale of just such a project. Continue Reading

Real Life Adventures of an Illustrator

Summary: My wife and I travel back to my old hometown. An old High School buddy and I throw a party at his skateshop and call it an “In Store Artist Event.” I find myself on the hook for 3 new skateboard graphics. Good times are had by all.Continue Reading

October Surprise: a Sneak Peek

Well, things have been quite here on the blog… too quite, but, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t been busy! Actually I’ve been working up a couple different images. One image is for a charity auction later in the month, and the other is an all out effort to make a promotional piece for Halloween.Continue Reading

Perceptions: Finding Value in Mood and Tone

Perceptions: Finding Value in Mood and Tone

Summary: This in depth blog post is about the connection and implications of using values to affect the mood of an illustration. The images created by Jon Jude Palencar are used here with permission from the artist. This post is the result of two different conversations with two different friends that I’ve had in theContinue Reading

Rush Job

Rush Job

Yippee! 2010 is starting off wonderfully. A good client of mine contacted me for a rush job to spruce up their product information page. I had about 1 day to work on it. Everything went very smoothly, and I was especially grateful for the new brush pen that my sister gave to me for ChristmasContinue Reading

Art Auction!

Art Auction!

Hey everybody, I am so excited to announce that Shinteki is holding an art auction of the posters that I did for a recent game puzzle of theirs. Evidently there was a positive response at the games, and Shinteki have generously decided to hold an auction for the game pieces! The auction goes through toContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!