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Tag Archives: Watercolor

“Ivy” comes home with 2 literary awards!

“Ivy; Homeless in San Francisco” wins a 2011 Literary Classics Silver Medal and a Bronze Moonbeam Award! I am super psyched to be apart of this project and am glad to see that it is getting the recognition that it deserves. My contribution to this book was in creating the cover image as well as the five black and white interior illustrations.Continue Reading

The Book Launch Party for “Ivy”

Summary: This week was the book launch party for my first published YA Book, Ivy; Homeless in San Francisco published by Reach and Teach, and PM Press. The Event The event was a nice gathering of folks brave enough to wade through the throngs of people who were out celebrating Gay Pride weekend, which inContinue Reading

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

12WC: Week 5: The Strange Fruits of Labor

“Goggles” I am happy to have pulled this piece together… finally. The ardent reader will recall that this image was actually started some 7 months ago*. It is unusual for me to put something away like this, but at the time, well, let’s just say “stuff came up,” and leave it at that. For theContinue Reading

Goggles Comic: Cover Up

Goggles Comic: Cover Up

Well, here is my work in progress. I was working ahead with the cover image when a conversation with the author provided me with some crucial character info that I missed in my reading of the story… baddaboom… big baddaboom. It turns out that the Goggles themselves need to be more chaotic, and wild. IContinue Reading

The Un-taping of Bo Diddley