Sometime here in the recent past I realized that I hadn’t been posting any drawings from a figure drawing session that I attend. I also realized that my posts can be a bit… hmm shall we say “wordy?” In that spirit, I’ll keep it brief, and.. here we go.
I don’t suppose one can over state how important regular drawing, and regular figure drawing is for an artist. As some of you may know, it’s simultaneously like working out at a gym, as well as incredibly liberating.

20 minutes
Stay tuned for more drawings and paintings. Also, if you feel like putting in your comments, I’d love to hear what you have to say about the work here.
Also, to see my other figure drawing blog posts, check them out {here}
Thank you
good work my freind.
The two 20 min ladies are the best. you lost all of your loosness in the hour pose, probably due to fabric.
BTW what class are you taking?