Weekly Wabi-Sabi Sketches for the Month of August

Weekly Wabi-Sabi Sketches for the Month of August

I’ve been trying some new techniques in my sketchbook this month. Starting with the use of spray-fixative. I was surprised to find out how much of my original drawings were being wasted away. I have to say that I’m happy with the results thus far. I’m not sure how this will or won’t work on watercolor paper, but I’m going to give it a shot!

One of my favorite guitarists; Steve Kimock


This one reminds me of Anthony Hopkins as an ogre.

I’m also sneaking a little study in as well. This one is a head from a Duamier cartoon, and I lifted a color pallet from Edwin Dickenson to paint in.

If Daumier and Edwin Dickinson had a baby!


This sketch is just one of a field of figures found a painting by Edgar Degas entitled, “The Orchestra of the Opera. Degas was a drawing maniac!

A sketch of a detail from Degas’ “The Orchestra of the Opera.” A close up of my sketch.

And, I did have a little fun this month too… my friend Andy plays guitar in a band called Nonch Harpin’. It’s like a mix of: John Scofield; Medeski, Martin, and Wood; Bill Frissell, with a little King Crimson thrown in for fun!

Nonch Harpin’ live in Saratoga, CA.


Thank you for visiting!
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Bo Diddley UnMasked!