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Category Archives: Fantasy

Building Books Barehanded

There is something magical about seeing other people achieve their dreams and goals. I believe that it can give us the inspiration to believe that we can do the same. Recently a friend of my saw his first novel through to publication, which is no small feat. Doggedly determined to get his book out there, Eric has worked long and hard, and now his dream has become a reality.Continue Reading

Feeling Good While Giving It Away

I first heard the term “Citizen Designer” while I was in college. I didn’t think much of it then, but recently I was given a wonderful opportunity to discover what that term really means. And in the process I was able to crawl out from under the weight of my own present life situation, take a broader view of the world and was able to give back in my own way, and for me that way is through Art and drawing.Continue Reading

Society of Illustrators #53 Submissions

Well, wish me luck, the images have been submitted and the bill has been paid! Now it’s all up to the judges at this year’s Society of Illustrators annual show/ contest to vote on this year’s winners and participants in the 53rd Illustration Annual. For my submissions, I had to balance the cost and theContinue Reading

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

Ol’ #6: A Past Future In The Present

Ol’ #6: A Past Future In The Present

Recently I had the good fortune to paint the cover of Steampunk Tales #6. It so much fun to work in a genre that I really dig. I like to describe Steampunk Tales as a ‘Digi-pulp.’ They are really taking a great format that has propelled so many story tellers and illustrators forward from theContinue Reading

Alien Moon Phases

Alien Moon Phases

You just have to love having creative friends. Recently a friend of mine finished writing a fantasy novel, which is looking for a publisher. In order to create a more positive and appealing property he decided to commission a few pieces of work from me, which I am more than happy to do! The firstContinue Reading

Portraiture in Watercolor

Portraiture in Watercolor

I am super happy to post this painting. I was honored to complete this portrait for some friends of mine who commissioned the piece after seeing the Paintings for Presents that I posted. The concept to use their daughter as Max from “Where the Wild Things Roam,” was serendipity at it’s best. I’d been thinkingContinue Reading

Dorothy, as she is

Dorothy, as she is

Well, the painting has been coming along, not quite fast enough for my liking, but it is still in progress. I wanted to just post up some images to show where she’s at before heading off for some much needed vacation {I am wound tighter than a Tin Man’s ticker} Watch for the thrilling conclusionContinue Reading

In the between times

In the between times

Somewhat in preparation for the upcoming Dorothy piece, and for the experience of putting paint onto the page again, I’ve sketched out this SciFi scene. It’s all free hand, so it is what it is.  I’ve had some recent inspiration reading the July issue of Imagine FX magazine, especially the Justin Gerard article. I reallyContinue Reading

Steam-punk Wizard of Oz

Steam-punk Wizard of Oz

One of the projects for the Illustration Master Class in Amherst MA was to create a cover image for a steam-punk retelling of the classic “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” Conceptually this combination of two worlds is ripe with possibilities. It is an area that I hope to mine for a few more pieces. TheContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!