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Category Archives: Pencil

Monster Mondays

I want to start sharing some of my sketches and drawings. Often my day will start with about an hour of sketching or drawing to loosen up, have fun, and often times an excuse to draw a monster. Today’s Monday Monster is our pal Cthulhu.Continue Reading

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

Figuring It Out, One Drawing At A Time

Figuring It Out, One Drawing At A Time

5 min warmups Sometime here in the recent past I realized that I hadn’t been posting any drawings from a figure drawing session that I attend. I also realized that my posts can be a bit… hmm shall we say “wordy?” In that spirit, I’ll keep it brief, and.. here we go. 20 minutes IContinue Reading

It Figures…

It Figures…

Well, so in this post, I am making up for a little lost time. These first three drawings were done on Oct. 7, two weeks prior to the time of this posting, and the rest of the drawings were created on Oct. 21. (My Uncle’s B-day!) While I do think that there’s tons of stuffContinue Reading

The Return of Figure Drawing

The Return of Figure Drawing

I am so happy to say that the figure drawing sessions at CCA/ Illustration have resumed. One can never over value the power of drawing from life. In this particular instance I made three 20 minute drawings, submitted here for your perusal. The following image was cobbled together in photoshop, just to give a senseContinue Reading

Steam-punk Wizard of Oz

Steam-punk Wizard of Oz

One of the projects for the Illustration Master Class in Amherst MA was to create a cover image for a steam-punk retelling of the classic “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” Conceptually this combination of two worlds is ripe with possibilities. It is an area that I hope to mine for a few more pieces. TheContinue Reading

Troll Time

Troll Time

Well, thank goodness for friends. After showing my previous drawing (here) of this scene to some comrades, it was justly pointed out to me that there were some holes in the work. So, as the saying goes, back to the drawing board. I feel better for the revisit, the piece is stronger and should communicateContinue Reading

Figure Drawing Friday

Figure Drawing Friday

Ahh, another Figure Drawing session Friday.  I am really loving these occasions to draw for a few hours. Today’s excitement was that we did without a model. For those of you who’ve ever had to make due, you know the drill. It’s portraits of the people around you, or people start to volunteer to be the model.Continue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!