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Category Archives: 12 Week Challenge

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

12WC: Week 7 Branding like Bonanza {part 1}

12WC: Week 7 Branding like Bonanza {part 1}

There are no doubt some of you out there who remember this show. I have many fond memories of the rump-bubbabump bubbabump of the theme song and all the cool cowboy stuff, mostly the hats. For those of you who’ve not had the Bonanza experience, basically it’s a family from the old west who ranContinue Reading

12WC: Week 5: The Strange Fruits of Labor

“Goggles” I am happy to have pulled this piece together… finally. The ardent reader will recall that this image was actually started some 7 months ago*. It is unusual for me to put something away like this, but at the time, well, let’s just say “stuff came up,” and leave it at that. For theContinue Reading

12WC: Week 4: Get to work!

12WC: Week 4: Get to work!

Now we’ve come to the end of week 4 of the 12 week challenge. Arguably, we’ve entered the “fun” part of illustration, making images! Before I move on to the painting, I have to say that part of this challenge for me has been about zeroing in on what I want to do, who I’dContinue Reading

12WC: Week 3: Target Audience

12WC: Week 3: Target Audience

The 12 Week Challenge has been really great at building upon the previous weeks. Well done Jon! The Task 1. Based on your research, I’d like you to gather a targeted list of 10 Companies, Publishers, Art Directors, or Manufacturers that you will be contacting when we get to that part of the challenge. 2.Continue Reading

12WC: Week 2: OGSM

12WC: Week 2: OGSM

I will start off saying that this is a totally brilliant piece of information to generate for any business. Entering into the wild and wooly world of illustration, it is absolutely key. I see it as being a bit like a tuning fork. It allows me to retune to my initial objectives for my business.Continue Reading

12WC: Week 1: The Big Question

First, mad props to Jonathan at Zero2Illo, thank you for spearheading this challenge. I am really looking forward to focusing on my work as well as offering a lending hand to my fellow 12WCers. The task for Week 1 of the 12WC: Ask yourself this question…If I could illustrate anything and get paid for it,Continue Reading

Up to the Challenge

Up to the Challenge

The Beholder In this wacky online world that I’ve found myself in, there recently came to my attention through a post on Escape from Illustration Island’s site, the 12 Week Challenge from Jonathan at Zero2Illo. Let me just say, BRILLIANT concept. As one who’s doing aiming to transition to full time illustration, this is suchContinue Reading

Alien Moon Phases

Alien Moon Phases

You just have to love having creative friends. Recently a friend of mine finished writing a fantasy novel, which is looking for a publisher. In order to create a more positive and appealing property he decided to commission a few pieces of work from me, which I am more than happy to do! The firstContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!