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Category Archives: *Client Work

Drawing to a Beautiful Conclusion

Summary: In the previous post I talked about the beginnings and the initial thoughts and concepts behind this illustration. We left off in that post at the first round of thumbnails. This post will follow up by talking about revisions, rough comps, and the resulting phases of this process, ending with the exciting final product!Continue Reading

Waltzing Into The New Year

Summary: I don’t believe that anyone get’s anywhere without help from the people around them. It is through this network of mutual support that beautiful things can emerge. This is the tale of just such a project. Continue Reading

“Ivy” comes home with 2 literary awards!

“Ivy; Homeless in San Francisco” wins a 2011 Literary Classics Silver Medal and a Bronze Moonbeam Award! I am super psyched to be apart of this project and am glad to see that it is getting the recognition that it deserves. My contribution to this book was in creating the cover image as well as the five black and white interior illustrations.Continue Reading

The Book Launch Party for “Ivy”

Summary: This week was the book launch party for my first published YA Book, Ivy; Homeless in San Francisco published by Reach and Teach, and PM Press. The Event The event was a nice gathering of folks brave enough to wade through the throngs of people who were out celebrating Gay Pride weekend, which inContinue Reading

Building Books Barehanded

There is something magical about seeing other people achieve their dreams and goals. I believe that it can give us the inspiration to believe that we can do the same. Recently a friend of my saw his first novel through to publication, which is no small feat. Doggedly determined to get his book out there, Eric has worked long and hard, and now his dream has become a reality.Continue Reading

Reinvigorating Illustration

Summary: My illustration “Measuring Something Impossible” goes on to have a secondary usage on a private blog, and regular people come together to create a positive outcome.Continue Reading

Light During the Darkest Days

It seems amazing to me, that a year ago (11 months technically) I was jumping for joy at a fresh new prospect of creating two book covers for PM Press. Now, here I am almost a full year later, marveling as the second of those books come to fruition on the printed page. As the New Year approaches, one can’t help but to be struck by the wonderful and timely symmetry that this book represents, if you’ll pardon the pun, it creates a nice book-end to 2010!Continue Reading

Society of Illustrators #53 Submissions

Well, wish me luck, the images have been submitted and the bill has been paid! Now it’s all up to the judges at this year’s Society of Illustrators annual show/ contest to vote on this year’s winners and participants in the 53rd Illustration Annual. For my submissions, I had to balance the cost and theContinue Reading

4 Week Challenge: the Wrap Up

I was happy to dive back in with the 4 Week Challenge, which was focused on creating new images. I wanted to start bringing in more “editorial” type of work and so, wanted to bolster my portfolio with some images. With the week turn around time on the images it seemed like an appropriate effort.Continue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!