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Category Archives: Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing Using The Buddy System

Figure Drawing Using The Buddy System

A friend and I use the buddy system to get ourselves out to a local life drawing session, and I show my sketches. It’s great to get out to a life drawing session. It is a bit like going to the gym in that I find it helps to keep my hands and eyes in shape. JustContinue Reading

Loving Life, Drawing

Loving Life, Drawing

I have to admit that this most recent life drawing session was a lot of fun. How to explain, just good people having good times. Well, enough said, the pictures can speak for themselves. 20 minutes Ok, I can’t resist making a few comments, these are all still so fresh at the time of thisContinue Reading

Figuring It Out, One Drawing At A Time

Figuring It Out, One Drawing At A Time

5 min warmups Sometime here in the recent past I realized that I hadn’t been posting any drawings from a figure drawing session that I attend. I also realized that my posts can be a bit… hmm shall we say “wordy?” In that spirit, I’ll keep it brief, and.. here we go. 20 minutes IContinue Reading

It Figures…

It Figures…

Well, so in this post, I am making up for a little lost time. These first three drawings were done on Oct. 7, two weeks prior to the time of this posting, and the rest of the drawings were created on Oct. 21. (My Uncle’s B-day!) While I do think that there’s tons of stuffContinue Reading

The Return of Figure Drawing

The Return of Figure Drawing

I am so happy to say that the figure drawing sessions at CCA/ Illustration have resumed. One can never over value the power of drawing from life. In this particular instance I made three 20 minute drawings, submitted here for your perusal. The following image was cobbled together in photoshop, just to give a senseContinue Reading

Final Figure Drawing Friday

Final Figure Drawing Friday

Well, all good things must come to an end, and what an end it was. My post is two weeks after the fact, but the final drawing session was another one that amazed me. For what ever reason, there are some days when we feel like we couldn’t write our name well, and then there’sContinue Reading

Figure Drawing Friday

Figure Drawing Friday

A few weeks of figure drawing have gone by without any posts of the drawings. I don’t know if any of these will throw the Art world on it’s ear, but the function of art was definitely served here. That is Art as a verb. The following drawings are, to me, more about my experience at thatContinue Reading

Figure Drawing Friday

Figure Drawing Friday

Ahh, another Figure Drawing session Friday.  I am really loving these occasions to draw for a few hours. Today’s excitement was that we did without a model. For those of you who’ve ever had to make due, you know the drill. It’s portraits of the people around you, or people start to volunteer to be the model.Continue Reading

Figure Drawing Friday

Figure Drawing Friday

Today’s figure drawing session was extraordinary. We were fortunate enough to work with a jazz musician (who’s name escapes my mind right now.) He was positively wonderful to work with. Essentially he performed for about 2 and a half hours off and on, with n’er a dull moment. Absolutely great! He played a bass clarinet,Continue Reading

Figure Drawing

Figure Drawing

Ahh, for the love of Figure Drawing! There can be no other activity that, for the artist, is so crucial and at the same time so nourishing. It has the potential to be so exhilarating as well as so frustrating, all within the span of moments.  As it turns out there is a life drawing sessionContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!