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Category Archives: Ink

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Summary: Sharing my thoughts on the importance of making time for creative pursuits, by way of a relaxing sketchbook drawing. Highlighting the joy of exploring art without pressure. Let’s celebrate The Gift of Time together! Time—it’s one of those things we never seem to have enough of. And as creative individuals, it can be reallyContinue Reading

Real Life Adventures of an Illustrator

Summary: My wife and I travel back to my old hometown. An old High School buddy and I throw a party at his skateshop and call it an “In Store Artist Event.” I find myself on the hook for 3 new skateboard graphics. Good times are had by all.Continue Reading

Paintings for Presents

Paintings for Presents

Greetings, This year I am offering to do paintings for the holiday season. It will be a totally unique gift, created specifically for you or your loved ones. The above image is a flyer that contains more details, click on the image to see a larger version. Also, feel free to download it, or toContinue Reading

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

While waiting in a Doctor’s office, some people read magazines while others knit. This comic page was waiting for me while I waited. It’s a self directed comic, I was surprise to watch it emerge from my sketchbook. I didn’t know it was in there, but here it is. Comics are a great way toContinue Reading

A quick fling

A quick fling

One can never tell where things are going to go next! A friend of mine has a mother whose something of an entrepreneur. We were introduced to each other last year and she hired me to do some simple story boards for a PSA for her company No Kiddin’ Condoms. This year, she was onContinue Reading

Comic Book Finals

Comic Book Finals

Ok, fun only begins to describe this project. Originally I was contacted by a really great company, Shinteki, who do games and puzzles for corporations as well as private events. Defiantly check out their website, it’s amazing! So their latest challenge involved creating several faux comic book covers, that’s where I come in. The puzzleContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!