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Tag Archives: How To

The Devil Gets His Brew

The Devil Gets His Brew

Summary: A brief discussion of diabolical draftsmanship and details discovered during the creation of this devilish illustration.  Ok, truth time. I listen to the Grateful Dead… a lot. I know a lot of you might be stunned, but I feel like I just need to come clean on this one. Anyway… this project starts with the Grateful Dead song, “FriendContinue Reading

A Study in Paisley; watercolor illustration process.

A Study in Paisley; watercolor illustration process.

Summary: Detailed process of watercolor techniques, inking, and colored pencils for an children’s book illustration. Happy New Year! A few of you may have seen via my Instagram feed that I was developing a character study for my Sherlock Holmes character. For those who were paying particular attention, you would have noticed that I didContinue Reading

3 Steps to a More Colorful Watercolor Pallet

3 Steps to a More Colorful Watercolor Pallet

Summary: Mixing colors, and figuring out how to utilize those mixes in a painting can be a daunting task to start with. My intention with this post is to share my study habits so that you might see something new or have a fresh idea, and thus become inspired to to find a new ways to fine tune your own craft.Continue Reading

“Craft” is not a dirty word.

“Craft” is not a dirty word.

  Summary: This series of essays is simply my personal perceptions and opinions about the field of illustration, an area for which I have a great passion. Part of my goal with these essays is to incite quandary in your mind! Through pictures and words I hope to encourage you to question and remain curious aboutContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!