Summary: Video essay sharing fun techniques for custom lettering, watercolor, and illustrated storytelling details. This journey highlights the joy of finishing projects that were once left behind.… Continue Reading
Summary: Video essay sharing fun techniques for custom lettering, watercolor, and illustrated storytelling details. This journey highlights the joy of finishing projects that were once left behind.… Continue Reading
Summary: Reflections on an Instagram Character Design Challenge Last year I put together a really fun five day Instagram Character Design Challenge called Fabulous Friendly Freaks. The challenge kicked off on June 15th, and ran through June 19th. This creative sprint was filled with fun, freakiness, and fabulous artwork that brought together a community of… Continue Reading
Summary: A brief discussion of diabolical draftsmanship and details discovered during the creation of this devilish illustration. Ok, truth time. I listen to the Grateful Dead… a lot. I know a lot of you might be stunned, but I feel like I just need to come clean on this one. Anyway… this project starts with the Grateful Dead song, “Friend… Continue Reading
Summary: Detailed process of watercolor techniques, inking, and colored pencils for an children’s book illustration. Happy New Year! A few of you may have seen via my Instagram feed that I was developing a character study for my Sherlock Holmes character. For those who were paying particular attention, you would have noticed that I did… Continue Reading
Summary: I share some of my process creating a faux Rolling Stone magazine cover of the Ramones. Giclee prints of the image are also made available!… Continue Reading
I put together a video sharing some of my watercolor techniques. There was a lot of positive feedback on that video that I wanted to create another process video. … Continue Reading
Summary: 10+ hours of painting in an 8 minute video? I share watercolor painting tips and concepts in a time lapse painting of three storybook characters. Check it out, and share it with your friends.… Continue Reading
What are Local Values? What is a Value Pattern? How can these help me to create stronger Illustrations? Enjoy this step by step process and find the answers to these questions.… Continue Reading
Summary: This post is on the theme of color, and explores ideas about developing your own color story. I’ve put together a simple (and free) recipe to cook up your own home brewed color scripts.… Continue Reading
Summary: This post is about some experimentations that can be used to gain a better understanding of color as a narrative tool and on creating a more harmonious color pallet.… Continue Reading