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Category Archives: Comic Book

Micro Comics, Maximum Fun! Workshop in Santa Cruz

Micro Comics, Maximum Fun! Workshop in Santa Cruz

On what turned out to be an enchanting rainy weekend here in Santa Cruz, a group of nine wonderful people gathered at the Santa Cruz Art League to attend my first “Micro Comics, Maximum Fun!” workshop. I was amazed at the diversity of people who came out for the workshop. There were teachers, comics enthusiasts,Continue Reading

Comic Book Workshop | Feb. 7&8

Comic Book Workshop | Feb. 7&8

Summary: Up coming comic book workshop in Santa Cruz I’m really excited to start the year off with a workshop at the Santa Cruz Art League! The workshop is called Micro-Comics, Maximum Fun! and you can sign up through the website. (scroll down to the workshop title and register from there!) Here is the quick pitchContinue Reading

Feeling Good While Giving It Away

I first heard the term “Citizen Designer” while I was in college. I didn’t think much of it then, but recently I was given a wonderful opportunity to discover what that term really means. And in the process I was able to crawl out from under the weight of my own present life situation, take a broader view of the world and was able to give back in my own way, and for me that way is through Art and drawing.Continue Reading

12WC: Week 5: The Strange Fruits of Labor

“Goggles” I am happy to have pulled this piece together… finally. The ardent reader will recall that this image was actually started some 7 months ago*. It is unusual for me to put something away like this, but at the time, well, let’s just say “stuff came up,” and leave it at that. For theContinue Reading

Rush Job

Rush Job

Yippee! 2010 is starting off wonderfully. A good client of mine contacted me for a rush job to spruce up their product information page. I had about 1 day to work on it. Everything went very smoothly, and I was especially grateful for the new brush pen that my sister gave to me for ChristmasContinue Reading

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

Orbital Debris: Zeta Thief

While waiting in a Doctor’s office, some people read magazines while others knit. This comic page was waiting for me while I waited. It’s a self directed comic, I was surprise to watch it emerge from my sketchbook. I didn’t know it was in there, but here it is. Comics are a great way toContinue Reading

Comic Book Finals

Comic Book Finals

Ok, fun only begins to describe this project. Originally I was contacted by a really great company, Shinteki, who do games and puzzles for corporations as well as private events. Defiantly check out their website, it’s amazing! So their latest challenge involved creating several faux comic book covers, that’s where I come in. The puzzleContinue Reading

Comic Book Gold

Comic Book Gold

This newest project is turning out to be quite a lot of fun. Recently I was approached by a company (who’s name will be revealed at a later post) to do some faux comic book covers. They had a series of seven specific characters in mind from the start and have given me a roughContinue Reading

Bo Diddley UnMasked!